The Commodore

Canberra Drive
District 27
Out of Central Region

Est. Completion Yr


Total # of Units


Nearest MRT (<1000m)

Welcome To The Commodore

Welcome to the world of The Commodore! One of the HIGHLY EXPECTED Condo Development in Sembawang of Singapore. It takes living well to the next level with its excellent layouts, desirable location and huge upside potential.

The Commodore Condo Project Details

A Brief Summary Of The Most Important Facts And Figures

The Commodore is an Upcoming New Launch Condo. The estimated launch date will be around the 3rd quarter of 2021. We will update more information here once it is available.

The Commodore Condo Project Details
Project Name The Commodore
Tenure 99 years leasehold commencing
Location Canberra Drive
Planning Area Sembawang
District 27
Site Area (SQFT) ___ sqft
Site Area (SQM) ___ sqm
# of Blocks ___ Tower(s)
# of Floors __-Storeys
# of Units ___ Residential Units
# of Car Park Lots ___ Lots
Expected Vacant Possession TBC
Show Units TBC
Architect TBC
Main Contractor TBC
Project Account TBC
Bedroom Types SQM SQFT No. of Units Est. Maintenance Fee
1 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
4 Bedroom
5 Bedroom
Total 0

The Commodore will be developed by the well-known property developer Oasis Development Pte Ltd (JBE Holdings Group).

They won the bid for the land on 09 March 2020, and it works out to about S$1,216 per square foot per plot ratio (estimated breakeven).

Land Parcel Location Canberra Drive (Parcel A)
Developer Oasis Development Pte Ltd (JBE Holdings Group)
SOLD on 9-Mar-2020
Land Attributes
Tenure 99-Year
Site area (SQM) 13,315.3
Site area (SQFT) 143,328.6
Site GFA (SQM) 18,642.0
The highest bid ($m) 129.2
The highest bid ($PSF) 643.9
Total number of bids 5.0
Estimated Cost Breakdown
Land ($m) 129.2
Estimated Construction ($m) 66.2
Estimated Land Financing ($m) 11.3
Estimated Professional / Legal / Taxes ($m) 23.4
Estimated Marketing / Others ($m) 13.8
Estimated Total Cost ($m) 244.0
Estimated Breakeven ($PSF PPR) 1,216.0

The Commodore Condo Location

Canberra Drive

The location of The Commodore is Canberra Drive, District 27, in the Sembawang of Singapore.

Let’s refer to the following maps (brochure Location Map, Street Directory Map and URA Master Plan Map) to explore the nearby amenities (within 1km), estimated travelling time, government plans, etc.

The Commodore Condo - Upcoming New Launch
The Commodore Condo – Upcoming New Launch
The Commodore Condo Location - Street Directory Map
The Commodore Condo Location – Street Directory Map
The Commodore Condo Location - URA Master Plan Map
The Commodore Condo Location – URA Master Plan Map
Nearby Amenities

Click the tab below to find out more.


Whether you're an investor looking for another great local residential property to invest in or you're thinking of settling your family down in one of Singapore's highly sought-after districts.

All you have to do is register your interest right now, and our appointed developer sales team will liaise with you to get you updated with any special promotional pricing or incentives.

The Commodore Condo Facilities & Site Plan

Specially Designed To Create Unique Experiences

The Commodore is an Upcoming New Launch Condo. The estimated launch date will be around the 3rd quarter of 2021. We will update more information here once it is available.

The Commodore Condo Floor Plans

Well-Designed Units With Spacious And Optimized Layouts

The Commodore is an Upcoming New Launch Condo. The estimated launch date will be around the 3rd quarter of 2021. We will update more information here once it is available.

The Commodore Balance Units & Price Guide Updates

Regular Updates On The Sales Summary And Price Guide For Available Units

Are you homebuyers or property investors who are looking for a good deal? We offer the latest pricing and selling information here. We will update it regularly for your easy reference and monitoring!

Project Name Min Price Max Price % Sold

Bedroom Type Min Price Max Price

Click the link below to Stay Tuned to the LATEST Sales & Pricing Updates. With the filterable option, you can easily find out more details about the percentage sold, available units, bedroom types, size and more.

>>  The Commodore Sales & Pricing Updates  <<

Register Your Interest

Complete the form to stay tuned with all the latest updates and qualify for developer discounts (limited time) and privileges. Please do not hesitate to call us at 9004 6396 now for the quickest reply.

Reach Out to Developer Sales Team

Let's meet for a NON-OBLIGATORY showroom viewing and casual discussion today.

Be here to physically see, touch and feel the layout, the furnishing, the environment and more.

With your permission, we will then work out a PROPER FINANCIAL & TIMELINE PLAN that suits you the best!

  • We will share with you how you can qualify for DIRECT DEVELOPER PRICING, especially during the sales gallery preview period, before the project launch.
  • We will update you with the SPECIAL PROMOTIONS on the development if there's any.
  • You will receive the project e-BROCHURE if there's any.

The Commodore

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Following are some of the new launch condos that might interest you.

Project Name Est. TOP Tenure MRT < 1km
The Commodore TBC 99 Years Canberra
The Watergardens At Canberra 2026/06 99 Years Canberra
Kandis Residences 2021/04 99 Years

New Launch Properties - Topics that might interest you