Bridging Loan for EC Purchase

Designed To Help Executive Condo Buyers Complete The Purchase Of A New Launch EC Before Selling Their Existing HDB

Explore The Possibility To Upgrade Your House COMFORTABLY!

Bridging Loan for EC Purchase Can Be Granted With A Home Loan

To be eligible for Bridging Loan for EC Purchase, the EC buyers have to opt for the deferred payment scheme.

Bridging Loan for EC Purchase At A Glance

  • Bridging loan is short term.
  • EC buyers are awaiting the realisation of the proceeds of sales of their existing HDB.
  • It is a temporary loan to help EC buyers to tide over their short term financial needs.
  • The bridging loan amount is the difference between the purchase price or valuation of the new EC, whichever is lower, and the applied home loan amount.
  • To be eligible, the EC buyers have to opt for the Deferred Payment Scheme.

Following is a simple illustration for your easy reference:

New Launch Properties - Bridging Loan for EC Purchase
Existing Property (HDB)
Current Market Value (based on bank's indication) $650,000
Recognised Current Market Value (75%) $487,500
Less: Outstanding Loan $200,000
Less: CPF Utilised + Accrued Interest $250,000
Cash Proceeds $37,500
Total Eligible Proceeds (Cash + CPF) $287,500
New Property (EC)
Purchase Price $1,000,000
Eligible Bank Loan
(Assuming the EC buyers able to obtain 55% loan-to-value)
5% Cash Payment (Option Fee) $50,000
15% Cash or CPF (Downpayment within 9 weeks) $150,000
5% Cash or CPF (to be disbursed during TOP) $50,000
20% Bridging Loan Required (to be disbursed during TOP) $200,000
40% Bank Loan (to be disbursed during TOP) $400,000
15% Bank Loan (to be disbursed upon CSC) $150,000

The proceeds from the sale of the existing property should be ≥ the total Bridging Loan required

Register Your Interest

Let's meet for a Non-Obligatory casual discussion today. You will be SURPRISED at the insights that we will share with you. With your permission, we will work out a PROPER FINANCIAL & TIMELINE PLAN that suits you the best!

Explore the possibility to Upgrade Your House Comfortably WITHOUT FORKING OUT EXTRA CASH from your pocket
The MUST-HAVE CALCULATIONS and DATA to recognize your Current Financial Standing for you to plan ahead
Tips to accumulate your wealth through a SIMPLE YET EFFECTIVE CPF USAGE PLAN
How to create and execute a PROPERTY SAVINGS PLAN
A far-sighted “ROADMAP” that will allow you to RETIRE COMFORTABLY
How you can qualify for special DIRECT DEVELOPER PRICING, especially during the official launch and show flat preview

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