Free Housing Loan Eligibility Check Before You Start Hunting For The Ideal Home-To-Be
Buying a house is a significant decision. It is prudent to go through the housing financial assessment to get yourself ready for your dream home purchase. Don’t be surprised you can afford a bigger unit!
Be financial prudent when buying a house. In Singapore, when it comes to housing loans, we need to follow the rules from the MAS strictly.
The maximum housing loan will depend on your age, loan duration and property type, and whether you have existing housing loans. Joint borrowers are assessed using an income-weighted average age.
You should go through the housing financial assessment even before you start looking around. Depends on the information given by you, we do a detailed calculation for the following:
- Income Weighted Average Age (IWAA)
- The Monthly Instalment (for Bank Loan / HDB Loan)
- The Minimum Income Requirement (for Bank Loan / HDB Loan)
- The Maximum Loan Size (for Bank Loan / HDB Loan)
- The Maximum Property Price (for HDB / EC / Private Residential)
- Loan-To-Value Ratio
- Cash Down Payment Required
We hold the privacy of your personal information in the highest regard.
It is wiser to obtain an In-Principle Approval (IPA) from a bank before you book a unit. The IPA will give you assurances for the maximum loan amount eligible, the loan-tenure and monthly instalments.
In-Principle Approval for a housing loan is free and non-obligatory. To ensure that a smooth process of getting your IPA ready, we work with only experienced mortgage bankers.
Give us a call at +65 9004 6396 now. We will introduce a reliable mortgage banker to you. Let’s engage their professional consultation service and have a peace of mind for your housing loan.